Lighting for Profits Episodes

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Lighting for Profits Podcast with Secrets Summit 2024

Secrets Summit 2024 - Key Takeaways from Secrets Summit 2024

September 23, 202464 min read

Lighting for Profits - Episode 165

This week, Landscape Lighting Secrets members Paul Gardner, Scott Ruhoff, and Colton Tompkins come together to discuss their major takeaways from the Secrets Summit 2024. Tune in as they delve into the latest trends, strategies, and insights they gained from the summit, offering a comprehensive look at how these key learnings can be applied to enhance your landscape lighting projects.

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Ryan Lee discusses everything you need to know to start and grow a successful business

Welcome to lighting for profits.

All light, all light. All light.

Powered by Emery Allen.

Get rid of your excuses.

Your number one source for all things landscape lighting.

That's where the magic can happen.

You can really scale a business.

We really had to show up for.

Each other from lighting design, install, sales, and marketing.

You're a scaredy cat salesman, Kurt.

We discussed everything you need to know to start and grow a successful landscape lighting business.

What do you think a hippo has to do with your business, Ryan?

Usually it's some weird childhood thing kicks your butt. I think the key factor here is trust.

Here is your host, Ryan Lee.

All light. All light. All light. Let's go. I'm so fired up, you guys. We got an awesome show lined up. I'm Ryan Lee, the host of lighting for profits, powered by Emery Allen. Of course. Want to thank them for their support. we got a great show, guys. I don't know if you know this, but, the show is growing. And, in fact, it used to just be the number one landscape lighting show in Lehigh, Utah, but now we're the number one landscape lighting show in fredericksburg, Virginia, Boise, Idaho, and now recently, Ontario, Canada. It is so cool to see the show grow, guys. I mean, I I can't believe that the votes are coming in, but here we are, and, it's just an awesome, awesome time. So if you're looking to start or grow a landscape lighting business, you're definitely in the right place. We're here to educate and motivate to help you dominate. I want to make you feel bad if you have not given a review yet. I'm still begging and pleading for those five star reviews on Apple, guys. I'm telling you, the more reviews you give to the world, the more you get back. So if you're trying to grow your review presence, just help a brother out. We got. I don't know if this was a joke or not, but we made it to 69 reviews on Apple, and then we've just stalled out. Like, it's just stalled out. Like, come on, guys, really? Are you going to do that to me? You're going to leave it at number 69? Like, I think. I think it's a practical joke. So break the curse. Let's get it to 100. Once we get to 100, I'll probably stop begging and asking. Okay, so hook me up. Go on there, and if you got some value out of the show, give me five stars, write something nice. I'd really appreciate it. And to those of you that have thank you so much. I mean, the reviews are phenomenal. I'm super grateful, but it's never enough.

We're going to do a secret summit recap with some of our takeaways

guys, this week, in about five minutes, we're going to have some, some really, real, really cool guests on. We're going to do kind of a secret summit recap and some of our top takeaways. But we've got some newcomers to the show. One of them is Paul Gardner, another is Scott Ruhoff, and the other is Colton Tompkins. So, you're not going to want to miss this, because we're going to talk about, you know, a lot of people missed out. There was people that wanted to come to secret summit, and they're like, oh, they dragged their feet, they made excuses, and then after, they're like, oh, man, I wish I would have come, and blah, blah, blah. Right. Well, we are going to give you a little bit of insight on some of the things that these guys took away. And we're going to talk landscape lighting. We're going to talk shop. We're going to talk business. So I'm excited to have these guys on in just a few minutes. And, of course, want to thank Emery Allen, for their support.

By installing Emory Allen lamps, you'll discover a higher level of quality

So, what's the best way to stand out of the crowd? Well, being different. So set yourself apart from others in the lighting industry and impress your customers. By installing Emory Allen lamps, you'll discover a higher level of quality across the board, from the lamps themselves to the top tier customer support you can expect to get. If you have any issues or questions, right now is the best time to make the switch. In fact, all you need to do is email tom garyallen. com. tom g@emoryallen. com. dot he will get you, your account set up. He'll get you that discounted contractor price. Guys, I've been saying this every week now for a couple years. I'm still surprised to find that people are buying cheap lamps at, like, the big box stores and online. I'm like, what are you doing, guys? There's high quality lamps for not a lot of money. Like, I don't know if you've looked into their pricing, but don't go onto their website. Email tom g@emeryallen. com. because he's going to get you that discounted contractor price. All you need to do is mention that you heard about them here on lighting for profits, and, they got a great, great output. That single source led is pretty rock solid. All right, guys, thank you, Emery Allen, for your support. They, supported our summit as well. So we had lots of, ah, good manufacturers donate swag and a bunch of different things as well.

I came up with a goal to help a thousand small businesses

So, guys, before we have our guests on again, we got, Paul Gardner, Scott Ruhoff and Colton Tompkins coming on in just a minute. Something, on my mind real quick. I don't think I shared this the other. The other day. That could mean, like three months ago, by the way, I was on a call with one of my coaches and we were clarifying, like, what do I want? Like, what. What's an. What's an achievable goal instead? Like, you don't want to put a goal that's like, I want to be happy. Like, okay, well, I don't. How do you measure that? Right? so I decided, like, number. I like numbers because you can, like, they're measurable, right? So I came up with this mission and I'm sticking to it. Like, I'm like, dude, this is. This is achievable. It's still going to be hard to do, but, it's going to be freaking awesome. So I want to create a billion with a b, $1 billion worth of value. And I want to do that by helping other people. And I'm going to do that by helping a thousand businesses. Thousand people, small businesses, do $1 million in revenue. That's math. Isn't that crazy? Thousand people, $1 million, $1 billion. I, don't. Because I'm like, man, I don't know, could I become a billionaire? Like, that's kind of a scary goal to say out loud. So I'm not. I'm not willing to do that yet. But I'm like, we can become billionaires. Like, a thousand of us do a million dollars a year. I mean, there's already lighting companies doing that, right? So. And I'm not saying a million. Like, okay, a client's been with me for ten years, and they only do 100,000 a year, and that's a million. Like, that's not part of the goal. Like a million a year, a thousand companies. Can we do this? Like, of course we can do that. Like, let's go a billion. That's a billion dollars. Like, a billion dollars is a ton. You guys, like, it's. Well, it's not. It's a billion. It's not a ton, but it's a lot. billion with a b. So that's. I'm letting you. I'm putting it out there so you guys can hold me accountable. You can ask me how my goal is going we did some math, the other day, inside landscape, lighting, secrets. And we. We've already helped our clients create, or generate over $33 million in trackable revenue. We say trackable because a lot of people don't, like, even apply for our awards and share numbers and stuff like that, but over 33 million in trackable revenue. It's freaking awesome. So, we're on our goal to a billion in value. And, in an effort to do that, we recently launched 2.0. last week, I think I was telling you guys about that, but, and I got to tell you, it's pretty freaking insane. In fact, when we launched 2.0, like, I've been. I had this. I've had this in my head for months now, so everything makes sense to me. But I know when I, like, told everyone about it at secret summit, everyone's heads were spinning. Like, wait, what do we get? What do we like? It was kind of confusing. I'm like, okay, it makes sense. So we're literally, over the next six months, gonna be, like, rolling this out and making sure people understand the actual value that they get with this, because you get a lot. In fact, now, one of the things that members have access to is nine. Most of them actually have access to 13, but nine to 13 monthly calls, okay? That from topics ranging from design, installation, sales, marketing, General Q and A. I'm leading a general, session with these people, but all these calls are led by industry experts. And with this kind of access, it's virtually impossible, impossible to fail now. Okay? like, you don't have just, like, a course. It's. It's a community now. So wherever you get stuck, there's multiple calls, two to three calls a week that you can jump onto and get unstuck. So I'm telling you this because not only did we launch landscape lighting secrets 2.0, but I'm launching my own personal 2.0, okay? And I probably on version way past that, but, like, not really. Like, I've never been in a state of mind. Like, I've been in the last few years, and I've decided I'm leveling up bigger, faster, stronger than ever before. I've got my 10,000 hours in, okay? And that's what they say it takes to become an expert. And I finally have got my 10,000 hours in with landscape lighting secrets, and I'm going pro. Like, I'm going in pro mode. And if you want to be great and you want more than you have now, then here's the key here is the literal secret, okay? And it sounds so basic. I'm going to be talking about this probably every day of my life. Now. Start acting like who you want to be. Start acting like who you want to be.

From a business standpoint, start acting like the business you want to be

So in business, you know, a lot of people are like, well, man, I want to do a million a year. I want to do 5 million a year, okay? What are you doing to do that? Are you acting like a $5 million company? If so, like, how many team members does a $5 million business have? Do you have those people? What does their branding look like? Was it a, logo? You just got on Fiverr and that's it. You know, how do they treat their team members? How do they pay? How much do they pay? How much do they spend on advertising? I'm going to be talking about this a lot, you guys. This economy is going to be tough. You got to be investing in yourself. You got to be investing in your business. How much. How much time does a $5 million company spend developing relationships? Okay? Because I promise you, if you really wanted to be a $5 million company, you can, but you got to start acting like that, okay? If you want to. If you want to hire an office manager when and you haven't raised your prices yet, you have to raise your prices so you can hire an office manager. Like these things. It sounds so simple, but this is how it's done, right? So from a business standpoint, start acting like the business you want to be. If you're not willing to invest in your business, you can't expect the outcome and the result, like, it's not gonna happen. That's just craziness. That's not. That's not a dream. That's just craziness. And, from a personal standpoint, if you want to level up, if you want to be someone who you're not, which we all do, we all have aspirations. We all have dreams. Like, oh, man, that would be so cool, man, it would be great if this. Right? That's a dream. Those are desires. We all have desires. So what is it that you want? You want to be in better shape? How does that person eat? What do they like? Who do they associate with? how often do they work out? How do they treat others? What activities do they do? How disciplined and focused are they? When you look at the people that you look up to, what are they doing and why are you not doing the exact same thing? That's literally what it comes down to, okay? And it's crazy because my 1.0 version was always wanting stuff but never willing to put in the effort to get there. I was like, oh, man, that'd be cool if. And then it would just logically justify, oh, well, they have a rich dad or they have a rich uncle, or, yeah, well, you know, the economy was good, or you can make all the excuses in the world, but these people designed their dream life and went out and got it. Okay, so it does sound simple, and it is. Everyone wants to know the magic formula, but it starts with acting like who you want to be. Okay? What got you here will not get you there. You can't. You can't get what you want doing the same things you've done. You can't get what you want doing the same things you've done. It's only going to get you to where you are now. Right. So you literally have to become this new version of yourself and not be embarrassed by it. Okay. One of the activities we did at landscape lighting secrets, the secret summit, was write down your goal. What? Write down your dream. Who do you want to be? And that's hard for a lot of people because you're, like, writing it down. You don't want people to see that you want to fly on a private jet. You don't want people to see that you want to buy an island, whatever it is, right? You're like, oh, man, that's kind of embarrassing because most people don't have these big dreams, right? But right now is the time to become your 2.0. Okay? Level up. Become that person you've always wanted, because there's nothing holding you back except for you. Like, you're literally the only person in your way. Unlock your own 2.0. Start right now. Like, not be like, yeah, that's a good idea. Next week, we're gonna. I'm gonna start thinking differently. Next month is my month. Oh. And actually not next month because it's holiday lighting season, but January. January is when I'm really going to start to take over because then I have to. I have some downtime. That's never going to happen, you guys. That's called procrastination. And you'll keep procrastinating. Okay? Winners win. Procrastinators procrastinate. So it's not magic. There's not really a shortcut. Okay. But you can't keep expecting different results doing the same thing.

All right. I got my rant over. I think it's time to get our guests coming on

All right. I got off my chest. I got my rant over. I think it's time to get our guests coming on. I'm more excited to have them on than me rant. But still, it was a good rant, and I mean everything. And I'm going to my 2.0, and I'm inviting you to your 2.0. and we do the journey together. Share your win, share your losses, share your weaknesses, share your. All the stuff that goes on. let's do this together. So. All right, enough of me. Let's go.

Paul Gardner welcomes the dream team to the show

All right. Here they are, the dream team. What is up? Hey, guys. Welcome to the show, mister Paul Gardner. Colton Tompkins. Scott Ruhoff. What's up, guys?

Hi. Happy to be here.

Heck, yeah, man. I'm excited, you guys. you know, this is probably a little uncomfortable. You know, I had talked to at least Scott, and he was like, yeah, he was trying to come up with excuses why he couldn't make it, you know? But I'm really proud of you guys for doing this because, we already. There was about 20 people in front of you that said no. But then we got down to the bottom of the list and you guys said, yes.

At least we were on a list. At least we were on the list. Yeah.

Love it. Love it. No, you guys were on the top. we actually invited four people, and you were one person. Couldn't do it. So thanks for doing it. it goes along with the theme of getting uncomfortable, you know what I mean? So appreciate you guys coming on here.

Paul Gardner says landscape lighting is all new to him

What I want to do first, maybe just some. We'll just go around, do some quick introductions. What's your name, name of your business, how long you've had your lighting business? and we'll go from there. So you want to start, start us off, Paul?

Sure. Paul Gardner. I'm from Virginia. I've been in the lighting industry for about 25 years. But really, the landscape lighting is all new to me. I've been doing it for. Actually, Ryan kind of introduced it to me. So I started seeing things online that he was distributing, and it was entertaining enough that it drew my interest. And I was like, I gotta learn more about this Ryan guy. And next thing you know, I went to the. I think I went to the first landscape lighting secrets training.

It was the first landscape lighting live down in West Palm beach. Yep. Front row.

So I didn't even at the time jump, you know, right into the business because I was consumed with other businesses I'm involved with. But, this year has really been our first full year.

Yeah. Very cool. You know, it's interesting because I've. I've told people that they're like, I don't know, should I go to landscape lighting live? I'm not sure if I want to get into landscape lighting. And I'm like, dude, it's the perfect event to go to, to determine if you want to start a landscape lighting business. I mean, it's good for a lot of reasons, but I think people would come to that and go, eh, this isn't, for me, like, this is too technical or it's too designy or too whatever, right? Or they're gonna be like, this is awesome. Why am I not doing this?

To be honest with you, I recommend going regardless, because just the interaction with the other business owners, I mean, I learned stuff, you know, last weekend that I didn't think I would learn in, a lighting training. Nice things that pertain to just a business in general, so it's worth it.

Yeah, that's cool. Well, and then you, you know, like you said, that was. That was two or three years ago. I. I'm starting to lose track of time now. But that was our first landscape lighting live. We've been in contact. We see each other from time to time at different events. you sent Jim, ah, to a landscape lighting live after you hired him to run your lighting company. And then now we're in, you know, now you're doing landscape lighting secrets. You were at secret summit.

Ryan: I wish I had taken action quicker on starting landscape lighting business

So maybe talk for a second, and then we'll introduce these other guys, too, but talk for a second about that, because I think some people jump into a new business, getting all excited. Like, if you would have done it a few years ago, but then you probably wouldn't have gotten as much traction and then maybe given up on it, that. That desire to, like, go 100 miles an hour, but then have the discipline to know, like, you've been. You've. You've had your successful business guy. You know, there's a time and a place when I should really launch this thing and go all in and how to do it.

Yeah, I mean, if I'm being honest, I probably did everything against what I teach people to do. I didn't take action quick enough. And the reality is, as soon as I came to your first training, that I came to, like you said, probably about three years ago now, I knew I wanted to jump into the industry I knew was an attractive industry for me. I knew I had advantages coming in that wouldn't take much to motivate the people around me to get involved in it. So I did introduce it to James, or Jim. Everybody knows him as James because that's kind of his formal name, but Jim is what everyone calls him. I introduced him to the industry probably the same time I left your class. And I thought for a while, okay, we need to do it. Jim wants to do it, I want to do it. But I just kept stalling the action steps that were necessary. When I say action steps, I'm just talking about just, like, formalizing procedures and processes that, start getting quotes out there and a marketing plan, a marketing campaign. And so I had all these opportunities to cross market and just really exaggerate it or talk myself out of why I shouldn't do it right now. Timing is not right. So many other things were going on. but I wish I had done it. So just. Just really, I should have taken the action. But at the same time, I think for anyone who comes to any type of training and getting to know some of the individuals at that training, because some of the relationships I built outside of you, Ryan, which obviously, you know, you and I have stayed in touch, like you said, for the last couple years, I met some other individuals, and during the course of the last two or three years, they encouraged me, they motivated me, and I learned some things throughout, you know, the last couple years prior to getting into the business that were definitely a major segue to allow myself to enter into the business without really having any hurdles to get over. It was. It was really, now that we're in it and we're doing it, and now that we've joined your program, I mean, we're as relevant as the guy that's been around for 15 years.

So that's awesome.

It's a nice thing to see as it all comes together. But I wish I had not taught myself how to take an action quicker, which is something we all do as business owners. We procrastinate on taking action.

Yeah, exactly. It's always easier said than done. but no, thanks for sharing. And, man, I'm just. I'm looking so forward to working with you guys because, you know, I highly look up to you as this. You already have success in lots of different verticals, and then to bring that knowledge into the landscape lighting field is going to be phenomenal. So it's going to be a lot of fun.

Appreciate it.

Scott Ruhoff owns after dark landscape lighting in Boise, Idaho

All right, mister Scott Ruhoff, you want to do a quick intro of yourself?


Scott Ruhoff. Boise, Idaho. Idaho. Born and bred. Go vandals. if anybody knows who the vandals are.

Ah, nobody does.

Anyhow, I own after dark landscape lighting. I have been at this since the good old days or the olden days. I started in the early nineties. I kind of fell into this. I was selling cellular telephones back when they were in the big bag phones, and the brick phone was the latest and greatest. Had, a buddy who was working for a landscaper. Landscaper. Got the dealership for invisible fencing back in like, 92, 93. Hired me to start the business. Took us forever to start it. So he said, hey, you're putting wire in the ground. I've got some clients who want to do lighting. So I kind of fell into this. I'm definitely an accidental, accidental entrepreneur, unlike a lot of the guys in this, in this group. so I. For decades, for a long time, I was that guy who didn't put a lot of thought into my goals. I had a good, solid business. I was doing enough things right that obviously I survived for 27, 28 years. but I, you know, was involved in the lvlia back when it was before it was AOlp. That was the thing that allowed me to. To realize that you could make a living doing this.


so I was. I was more involved back in the early days. I kind of pulled back just due to family reasons and stuff, for the past 5678 years, which did not serve me well. I got to a point where I was very burnt out, and just, just tapped out. so over the past couple years and due in large part, I got to say to the podcasts and just kind of getting the input and, you know, outside influence, I have been working on the business quite a bit. joined landscape lighting, secrets last year. and since then, in the past year, even picking the low hanging fruit, we've increased sales, probably pushing 30%. so I'm biting off bits of the apple as we go and making progress.

Very cool, man. You know, it's a. You said, you know, you've survived or whatever, but, dude, most businesses don't make it to five years. So, yeah, whatever you've done, it's kind of like the, crap now. I can't think of the name of the book, the gap in the gain. It's like, you know, we always want more. There's always, like, this gap. But if you look backwards and you measure backwards, it's like, hell yeah, dude, you should celebrate yourself big time, because most people are not capable of doing what you did and have done, and you're just this accidental entrepreneur, which, by the way, that doesn't make you special, because that's all of us, like, we're. We all did not, like, go, you know what? I'm going to be an entrepreneur when I grow up and get into lighting. It just, like, happened, and they were like, crap. Now we have to figure it out. Yeah, but it does make you special. You've been doing this that long, dude, so congrats to you. maybe talk for a second, because you know that. That lone wolf thing, which used to be me, like, right? So when people don't want to join my program or, like, make fun of me or whatever, like, I don't care because I'm like, that's kind of like, what I used to be. You know, I get. I get them. Right? talk about how much, because you said you've already. You're up about 30%, which is freaking amazing. How much of that was, like, a tactic versus how much that you learned or just, like, being part of a community and. And sharing with others and seeing others win and getting that, you know, motivation.

Yeah, yeah, you bet. A little bit of all of the above. But, the first part was really just pulling, you know, getting my. Getting my own crap together and deciding, okay, I've been taking care of my clients. I've been doing what I need to do, but where the hell am I going? I'm 50, 56 at the time. What, am I doing with this business? It kind of hit me like a brick wall. so I did sit back and kind of just start picking it again. Low hanging fruit. I started getting some systems. I started thinking about what my guys were doing, my installers, and why. so I was kind of working, I guess, on my own, trying, to listen to more positive, you know, radio show or podcasts, of course, yours being one of them. over the first year, just listening to your podcast again, I don't know why I didn't join for a year. I should have done it from the get go. I mean, honestly, because I'm like, everything he's saying, I don't. I haven't done everything you said, but everything you've said is non b's. I mean, everything makes sense. And I did start kind of sprinkling those into my business. and I think it started taking off last fall, at least somewhat directly from joining this, because I think there was a lot more accountability in the circle of excellence. And you calling me out saying, so, are you going to do this or not? you know, once I committed and started writing a check every month, it gave me, you know, a little more fire under my butt, to do the things that I knew, I already knew I needed to do. So this has just helped me to find it. And it's a, ah, flipping. It's an ongoing process. All these weekly meetings, podcasts are just reinforcing the things I need to do. and you know, keeping me on the right path, if you will.

Scott says the hardest part of starting a business is setting an intention

Cool. Now, thanks for sharing. Well, you bring up a lot of good points. I think that the hardest part is like, so, well, number one is intention. Like your intentions have totally changed since you've joined and maybe since you started listening to the podcast, whatever. And so when you have the right trajectory, that's huge because now you at least have this goal line that you can move toward. Then the next thing is like, okay, how do I implement all this stuff? And it's hard because it's not like you're living in a cloud and like the business is running itself. And then you just have five days a week to like be the implementer and the visionary. You're still like involved in all that stuff. So, you know, it's it's a process for sure. And that's why I tell people it's not a get rich quick scheme. It's not like you, you join a program and your wildest dreams are going to come true instantly. It does take extreme effort, extreme, ah, intention to make sure that you're moving forward every single day. And sometimes you only move forward like a foot a day, you know, like crap. Did I even move forward? just the fact that you had intention. You did, but it just didn't feel like it, so. Well. Well done on your end to be aware of that, because most people aren't even aware of that. And then set that intention and you'll see yourself getting more and more momentum and things become easier over time as you replace yourself in the business, you know? Well, thanks a lot, Scott. That's awesome. I'm glad to have you in the program.

Colton Tompkins is the owner of Everlit Outdoor lighting

All right, mister Colton, you want to do a quick intro?

Let's do it. Let's do it. Yeah. So my name is Colton Tompkins and I am the owner of Everlit Outdoor lighting. my business is a little newer than the other guests we got on here today. I only started my business eight months ago, coming up in the 8th month, and I've been in the program now for about the same amount of time. so I feel very lucky. I've had a lot of good coaches in my past. I've learned the power of good coaching, and when I wanted to pursue this industry, I knew that if I got the right coach and I got in the right group, that it would just accelerate where I was and get me to where I wanted to go that much quicker. because at the end of the day, landscape lighting secrets, there's a lot of really good secrets in there. But a big secret for me that I found a hack into is just being around people that are, that are moving towards that goal with you and, being able to bounce things off them.

Yeah. Very cool, man. I'm sure these guys are thinking the same thing I am right now. I wish that I would have had your intelligence at that age. Yep.

Yeah. I, appreciate it, and I definitely don't take it for granted, you know? I know. I feel. I feel the, I feel the fact that I've learned a lot of. A lot of really good things, and I don't want to take that for granted. So, you know, with great knowledge and with great responsibility and, I definitely hold that on my back. So I want to make sure that I do right with it and keep, implementing, keep moving forward.

That's awesome, man. Yeah, it's, it was so cool. You know, summit, I'm trying to. I want. I think we have, like, 80, 86 people in landscape lighting secrets, and then we had 30, maybe. Maybe 30 at summit. 31, something like that. You're not numbers to me, so I don't. I don't keep track of the numbers, but I want it to be like, you have to come. Like, if you don't come, you're not going to get success. I mean, that's not true, but it. There's a, there's. It's so powerful. Like, getting to have dinner with people and just talk outside of, like, a Zoom call is completely different. And, it was cool just getting to know people on that level and understanding that, oh, they're real humans that have real pains and real struggles and real wins and real families and just all the stuff. So, I loved summit. I'm just grateful you guys came.

Colton says one of his biggest challenges is implementing in the right fashion

actually, Colton, let me ask you first, since you're new eight months, what's, what's been the, what's your biggest challenge been so far? Getting started in the industry.

I would say one of the. One of the challenges, one of the hurdles that, that I'm still, I'm still hurdling and it's still a battle every day. And I love it. Is just implementing in the correct fashion because I tend to get, I tend to get ahead of things sometimes. So, for me, I like to see the big picture, which is great. And, and I, and I love to think about that big picture and know where I want to go. But then looking at the day to day and the fine details of things, I do implement well, but I know there's always room for improvement with just doing the right implementations at the right time. Especially as I'm starting, I know I'm different than, for example, Paul or Scott in their businesses and in their timelines of their businesses. They might be implementing something a little different, a little further down the line than I need m to at this point, to get me to that next goal so that I can scale from there. So that's been something. And that was, that was a big thing from summit and I'm sure we'll get to talk about summit, but that was a big thing that was reinforced for me as well. So, that's been a big takeaway is just implementing in the right fashion, which 2.0 addresses very well. You guys have a whole roadmap. So, I mean, when you, when you announce that, it was like boom, that's it. That was totally. If I could have, if, if I could have tweaked anything, and given any suggestion, I wouldn't have even thought of that to give because everything's been so great. But I think that was a really good move on you, skies part. I think that was really good foresight.

Cool. Yeah. Well, you know, it's an evolution. That's why we come out with a 2.0, because we've learned a lot, we've had experiences, we get to know people, and then it's like, oh, wait, we're all at different levels and there's certain fundamentals that doesn't matter what business you're in, you're, you kind of always need to revisit, like, you need to always practice dribbling if you play basketball, or always practice hitting if you play baseball. But there are different challenges at different areas. And that's why I think it's so important to not compare yourself to others because it's easy to, like, for me to look at Paul and be like, man, like, what would that be like to be Paul Gardner? Like, he's freaking king, you know, he's got a beautiful family, he's got all these businesses. Like, that's awesome. But I'm like, he's at it. He's got different challenges than I do. So if I start comparing myself to him, and I'm like, well, he's. Wait. He said he's struggling with this. Should I be struggling with that? Should I create a problem so I can struggle with that? Like, that's just going to throw you for a loop, because we all are on our own journey. So. Yeah, I appreciate you sharing that. sure.

Paul shares his top takeaways from secret summit

Let's go to secret summit. if you. I mean, maybe just share your top one or two takeaways, something that you guys were maybe surprised about, that was different than you were expecting or something that you plan on implementing, over this next little bit. Paul, you want to get us started with your biggest takeaway?

Sure. So, you might remember I had to take a phone call. I walked out, and you guys started doing the roundtables. So I kind of got thrown to this table that was. Had an available spot, and, yeah. And so I ended up at that table not really knowing the individuals at the table. is Andy's wife named Melissa?


Michelle. Well, I'm glad I just said it on air.

No, this is live, so you're. Yeah, you're. You're never going to live that one down.

You know, you sit there and you. I recognize who she was because I had met her prior, and I was just taken back by how much information she gave me as an individual who has been in business for 25 years and just listening to her, you know, give me a real life scenario of how they sell. And I was trying to pick apart some things for myself. Even. Even with my experience, I'm trying to expedite the process so that we're winning sales, that we're getting approvals on the spot. And so I wanted to hear from all the individuals that were sitting there. I felt blessed to be at that table specifically. But I, you know, it's funny, because when I sat down at that table, I did have my eye on another table, and I saw a specific individual. I was like, I'd like to set that table, but they're kind of full. And, you know, not that there was anything wrong with anyone that sat at my table, but I knew some of the people. I never really spoke specifically on these things. And, I was just taken back by everyone's intellect of what they do well and, how they contributed within, what, maybe 30 minutes. I sat there within 30 minutes, I gained enough knowledge to justify the trip. And so I just, for me, that was a big takeaway, because I can't tell you how valuable just two or three of the things I picked out of that one roundtable I brought back to Virginia, and I'm already implementing and already strategically using them to get approvals. So, anyways, maybe I'm not as specific as you want me to be, but come to. Come to the training.

Yeah. Well, I mean, first of all, it's, even though you. You kept at high level, I think it's cool for a lot of different reasons. Number one, I think it. It's easy when you do get success and experience to want to be like, listen, you young whimper, snappers. I remember what it was like to start my lighting business. Colton, let me tell you what you're going to need to know. You know? But, like, that's the cool thing about our group. Like, most people are not going to pay money to have an ego. Like, they're literally, you guys are coming here to level up at whatever level you're at. You know, you're there to learn. Doesn't matter how much experience you have, doesn't matter how much of a badass you are at home. Like, everyone's egos gets stripped immediately, and then it's just like. Like, I had someone saying, like, man, I felt like we were all on the same level. And I was like, you're not on the same level. You've only sold $50,000 worth of landscape lights. This guy sold, you know, millions or whatever. So. But it's cool because it's true. Like, everyone's there in the same. Same mindset trying to accomplish similar things. So you're not going to give us a specific.


Well, I mean, obviously, I had a lot, you know, I had a lot of questions just about the marinade that you taught me years ago.


And, you know, realistically, coming from the background I did, that would not resonate as well. B to b, business to business and the world I live in. So it was hard for me to embrace that habit or inject that into my business. But hearing testimonies of how that works specifically for Michelle and some of the other individuals at the table made me realize that it is something we need to do. I can't hesitate any longer. I just got to do this. I got to believe in it and try it and do it.


So we've already done it, and, we're already getting approved jobs, so.

Okay, that's really cool because that. This. This m my mind starts spinning when I hear you say this because there's a lot of things in the content portal that became just, like, common sense to me. Over time in my lighting business, but at some point, they weren't. They were just like, that sounds crazy or whatever. And so when you teach someone something that is, you think normal, but to them it's like, tune. This is not only bad, this is terrible. Like, you're probably thinking, this is gonna hurt me or whatever, right? So, you know, that's, part of my 2.0 is to, like, enforce the law, the landscape lighting secrets law, because I found that a lot of people are like, yeah, I don't. I don't do that. That's not for me. I'm not like that. And I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Like, reverse. Like, we got to go back several layers here because that one thing, as minimal as it may seem to you, is going to. It's like a snowball rolling down this huge mountain. It's going to be this huge problem or this huge, like, change in your business later on if you'll just do this one thing that seems so small to you to brush off, like, oh, that's not me.

Having Colton's mom at secret summit motivated me a lot

And that's, you know, price marinade is one of them, of course. But there's several in there that I'm like, in the past, people are like, yeah, I don't really do this, or, I don't do that. But the program is still great. I love. I take what I want. And I'm like, no, no, you're gonna start taking it all. Like, this is. This is. If you want ultimate success, there's a machine here, and you need all the parts to make the machine work. So that's cool. I'm glad that you share that because I'm. That wasn't necessarily an intention. When I was like, okay, what do I want for people to come away from secret summit and, ah, that was not on the list. So that's cool.

That was something for me that I needed because. And there were some other things and, you know, talking to other people and Colton, you know, it's funny because he doesn't give himself enough credit, but, Colton motivated me. Just being there and, he having his mother there, too motivated me. So I'm thankful that you. You allowed her to come or. I don't know how. How that all was arranged.

But we're not, like, we're not anti moms. Like, what do you. What do you mean?

you know, it's just. It was, I think the same thing, that you would is when I sit in a room full of other business owners and hearing the heartache and hearing some of the things they go through, it grounds you real quick. It doesn't matter what you've done, doesn't matter your biggest year versus their biggest year, you realize you have the same pains. And when you can start putting that stuff out there and just almost like an accountability partner, like, hey, guys, this is something I deal with. And right away, advice starts coming your way that you couldn't get from family members you couldn't get in other social forms. And for me, that was huge because I'm always in these different circles, but I haven't been in that particular type of circle for a while, and I was thankful to be able to relay things that were industry specific and then come away with something that I could apply right now.

Very cool. I love that. It makes me think of people asking for advice from their family or, you know, and it's like, that's terrible. Don't ever do that because they will. They will pull you down faster than you can even think because it's, like, uncomfortable for. For you to succeed because what does that say about them? Right? And then usher, Colton's mom. No, she. Yeah, exactly. We're not anti mom around here. most family member, his family's special. Like, their family is. Holy cow. I'm glad she came to. at first, I was like, wait, Colton wants to bring his mom? Like, what? What the heck?

What a weirdo.

I seriously, bring her on.

Everybody, bring your mom.

Mike, wait. Is there a coincidence he's the only guy from Canada and he's the only one bringing his mom? Like, what's going on?

Going on in Canada?

These Canadians? Hey. Yeah, it was so. Your mom's amazing. Like, I'm. I'm really glad that you brought her. I'm glad that I got to meet you guys.

Yeah, man. That was. It was. It was a special deal.

Ryan credits Paul for inspiring him to become a successful entrepreneur

if it's okay, Ryan, I just want to touch really quick and piggyback on what Paul says to take 1 minute. So a story that you don't even know yet. When I first got into the service, home service business like this, this kind of sector of business, I didn't know what I wanted to do. And I've been a business owner since I was 18. Just like a young entrepreneur. I had a fishing charter company and still run, pivoted to cruises, but it's so seasonal, and I knew it wasn't getting me where I wanted to go, so I needed to level up. Long story short, I took the leap. And during my busy season, which is only like, two months, for tourism. I m went to another training in Indiana, and I met Paul. And Paul was the person that spoke into me, that. That made me feel like I'm supposed to be here. This is something that I can succeed at. I could go on for hours about this, but it's so funny how things work. When you listen. You shut up and listen and you go home and you implement. And Paul has no idea, but I've looked up to him so much every day, everything that I've done. I see him with his family, I see him with his success in business, but so much more than just the business. And I try to emulate a lot of things that Paul does. I'm still working on that. And thank God I got a few. You know, I got a little bit of time still to work on that. But, Paul was a big part of that. And it's funny, full circle. I walk into the room at summit, and at the front table, right beside the table I was sitting at, is Paul. And I was like, how cool is that? That this guy that I consider like a mentor to me, that I look up to, he doesn't even really know is sitting right over there. So just. It's just a testimony to. You gotta take the leap, you gotta go to these things because you don't know the next person that's gonna change your life is gonna pull you up with them. And there's a lot of great leaders out there. Ryan, you're a great coach.

And I mean that seriously. And Paul, you're a great coach. You're a great mentor. There's a lot of people out there in that room that. That you can really look up to. So, not to get on a tangent, but I just had to. I had to.

You're gonna need to. I'm up to get the tissues, man.

You're the man, Paul. I love you, man.

You guys already know I'm crying right now, but I've got, like, a filter on so it doesn't show.

No emotion.

yeah, I'm the guy of no emotion. You guys know that. no, that's cool, dude. Man, that's. That's killer.

Paul was introduced to pressure washing at a holiday lighting training

So what was that at a holiday lighting training or what? Where'd you guys meet?

It was. It was. Yeah, I was at a holiday lighting training. pressure washing and holiday lighting.


And it was run by Jason Gaiman, another guy I love. he. He and Paul were. Yeah, two of the guys that introduced me to this. This realm and. And through a lot of a long story. Maybe another podcast. I found you, and I found this specific niche of service business, and I fell in love with it, and here I am. long story short, but it was because I was relentless in the pursuit of where I wanted to go, and I found people that made it real to me. And I've always had people in my life. I have a small family, I have a good group of people that I can look up to. but I've always wanted more and more and more. that's just the way I'm wired. Maybe that's why I'm an entrepreneur. But, I found that more, and, Paul, I found something I can now reach to, because I felt like I hit a bit of a plateau in life. A lot of different aspects and a lot of things have changed for the good. And, I just, I keep with the process and just keep showing up and keep showing up to these events. It's very important. Like, I can't stress enough, it's not an ad. Like, this is very important. Whatever you're in, you have to show up to these things, because that's where the value really comes out. And it just exemplifies the value within the portal, too. I mean, it's all there. But when you show up, that's, that's where, that's where the real things happen.

That's amazing. Yeah, dude, you got it. You got a good head on your shoulders, man. Your perspective is, is, huge. thank you.

Scott, taking care of your physical health is a life necessity

So let's, Scott, you want to go, share your biggest takeaway or two? Geez.

Now I wish I would have met Paul a lot sooner.

For real, right?

No, I think that's great. Yeah, it's just the personal interaction was awesome with this thing, but, but I got a couple of more granular things, but I'm going to do the left field thing. that surprised, or it didn't surprise me, but that I didn't expect to take away. and that was actually Jeff later, I think I talked with you briefly, about that Ryan. so he was this dude. He's a freaking tree trunk. I mean, he's just, he's solid, but he just gave off this. He was humble as I'll get out. He just was trying to import some, some real basic things about, about taking care of yourself. maybe it's just because I'm an old geezer, in the industry, but, and having gone through, I mean, I really tapped myself, but I was burnout mentally and physically, but he just brought up things like, you know, just realizing the daily stress that you go through, running a business, and making time for yourself, taking care of your physical health. He has had. One of the quotes was, health is not a nice to have. It's a life necessity. That's one of, could be one of the most important takeaways. not lighting related, but it's like, dude, why, why are we doing this? If I, if I'm grinding myself into the ground, you know, and if I'm providing for my family, but I keel over from a heart attack because I'm not taking care of myself, you know, what was this all for? So it was just, one of those, that was probably my slap in the face or my biggest kind of like, okay, get off your butt and start taking care of yourself. Not just physically, which I need to do. And I'm on three weeks straight of 20 push ups a day. That's my baby steps.

Yeah, dude, sweet. I love it.

But again, working on boundaries, he talked about, you know, settings. Time aside, I'm taking texts. In a lighting industry, we all take texts and calls. at 11:00 all the time you're just relaxing all of a sudden. Hey, Scott, these seven lights are out. Oh, crap. You start spinning. I need to work on getting some separation from work. and concentrating on the bigger things. And then the work will fall into place and hopefully support the bigger things.

That's cool.

That was my left field.

I'm glad you shared it because, well, first of all, if you don't look like Jeff later in twelve months from now, we're holding you accountable. Now. You shouldn't have said that. now that he's, he's jacked. I guess, were you, so you were surprised by that? Other, others were, too, because they're like, wait, I thought we were talking landscape lighting the whole time. And you guys know this? Like, I love lighting. Like, I freaking love it. And designs important install. We have calls now that are just dedicated to those things. But I had these people come on to talk about our health, to talk about our mindset, because those things, they're the foundation, you know? And if you don't get those, if you got those right, everything else can just be handled. Like, there's always an answer, you know? But like, we can help you with your price marinade, we can help you with your sales process, the pricing. That stuff's easy. It's hard to be disciplined to do 20 push ups. A day, you know, it's easy when you got the whole room doing it or whatever, you know, but, when you're on your own and then the day gets away from you, whatever. It's easy to make excuse. It's hard to be disciplined with your health and with your mindset. Like, those are the hardest things ever. And that's why we have these accountability groups and everything else, because we gotta. It's easy to fall off. So I'm glad you shared that.

Just the reinforcement for me increased my confidence to spend money on marketing

Did you have any other granular ones you wanted to share?

Well, granular ones, one of the things was just. And this was not a specific speaker or anything, but, from the other. Pardon my cough, I told you I was going to do that, from a lot of the other people we talked with at our round table, which Paul was at. but just the reinforcement for me, I've gotten through all these years with doing very little marketing. I'm the guy that bragged about, oh, it's all word of mouth. and it was good. And I'm starting to spend that money, and writing those checks is painful, but I'm learning to do it, and I'm throwing it out there. And the reinforcement that, you know, somebody said the first mailing is the hardest or the first direct mail is the hardest because I didn't need squat out of it. Second one, I got a couple results. We got some jobs closed. I got a third one coming up. But, this is one more piece of that, that reinforcement and just other people sharing their. Their same doubts that they had. so I. It just increased my confidence to spend that money and put the money in the marketing. So it's a little more granular, business related.

Oh, but I love that. That's huge. I mean, if you don't ever get talked into that, you're just gonna keep doing what you did now, and you're not gonna. You're not gonna grow. There's never something that just magically happens where you're gonna just suddenly have a tv show that follows you around and millions of people are gonna want to buy from you. Like, it just doesn't happen. So taking an action is huge, huge on that stuff. And when you see other people, it's working for them and how they struggled, and it took them six months to get it up and running. It does give you that confidence. That's huge.

Top takeaway from landscape lighting summit is believing you can reach your goals

Sweet. All right, Colton, how about you? Top takeaway?

Yeah. and there's a lot. I mean, I'll definitely go a little granular. I'll share something that's granular, but I think I really have to speak the truth, man. And the most important thing, from that summit is just being around the people you're not going to get. You're not going to get any further than where you believe you can go. And sometimes getting in those rooms, it allows you to think bigger or justifies in your mind. Okay, my goals are okay to have, like, you know, I see Paul over here, I can do my goals, I can hit my goals. I know I can. It gives you that, it gives you that sense of, okay, there's other people doing this, too. There's other people that have big goals. I'm in this room, I can do this as well. So that's really, that's really number one. and just being there and being coachable, being coachable, being a good student, and, I mean, I want to say I hope I can carry that on throughout life. And that's something I've always wanted to be good at, is being good student. So just showing up and listening and trying to take in a lot of the things between the ears, because, like I said, and it's, it is the truth. I can, I can preach this all day. I've seen it so many times, even in my short amount of time here. If you don't believe it, you can't achieve it. You have to believe it, and you have to truly believe it. Sometimes that's the thing that'll put you over the edge, to truly believe it. Like we were talking about earlier, Ryan, you're saying that, you know, you were obviously, guys, like, I'd love to have that. And, and I was too. When I was, when I was younger, I was too. But then I realized I can have that. And, and if I'm going to be the guy that says, this is what happened to me and not the guy that says, this is what I made happen, then I won't reach those goals. So just showing up and taking it as much as you can, making those connections, that was the biggest thing. the granular stuff is something I touched on before, is having that roadmap now with landscape lighting seekers 2.0. So no matter where you are in your journey in landscape lighting and an outdoor lighting, there's a spot for you to slot in, to really slot in. Like, it's not all just in front of you. I mean, you have access to everything, but you have a roadmap. So when you come in, you really have a good roadmap. Now, and I love that. So that was a big takeaway for me to be able to come home and really feel like, okay, I have a spot on the road and now I can aim to the next destination. little things like the price marinade, the little teachings that you have inside, inside the portals. It's good to go over that in person because it just, it reassures it and justifies it inside your mind, makes you see other people doing it, seeing your successes or seeing people that, you know, that I view as extremely successful in the industry that maybe aren't using certain little tidbits, and they're saying, man, I should implement this. And you're like, okay, you know, this person's at this point, and they haven't, they haven't implemented this yet. I need to go home and implement this, too. So just a little things. You just, when you, when you sign up, you go on the portal, you learn these things. But being there and having it, having it reiterated to you is a big deal. It really, it really makes a difference.

Yeah, good point. You know, I mean, we've all read a book once, and then, like, you're, like, in the middle of a chapter, or like, you're like, I'm taking notes on my phone, like, oh, my gosh, like, I can't believe what they just said. This is gonna change everything. And then you have, like, these 20 pages of notes and the. The chance of you actually remembering, I don't know what percentage of it, and then implementing any of it is, like, so small. So it is, it is getting comfortable with the fact that you're gonna have to hear the same thing over and over and over until you not only implement it, but you master it until it becomes just a common, like, like, for me, that, the 20 push up thing, it was really hard. well, it was easy at first because I was like, it's 20 push ups. It's just a day. And then after a while, I was like, man, this is hard. Like, I want to go on vacation, and I. And I want to stay out at late at night or just the discipline, whatever. But eventually, like, it becomes a habit. Like, I always just naturally think of, like, doing my push ups. I started flossing a few years ago. I know that's weird. people don't like to talk about hygiene, but, like, I never flossed. I would floss, like, before the dentist and then be like, so you floss. I'm like, no. And they're like, your gums are bleeding. You don't floss, dude. And so. But now it's just a habit. Like, I don't have to have it right in front of me. I just am, Like, if I. If I don't floss, it's just weird now, you know? And that's the thing. You have to make success a habit. You have to, like, find these little things and do them over and over and over and have people just telling you from side to side until it just becomes part of who you are. It's your new identity. And, that's kind of the hardest part, is, like, how do you do that? Which kind of come full circle? You do it with the community, we do it with each other, because if we're on our own, we are not going to win. Like, this is a. It truly, as I said at summit, success is a team sport. Like, we need, as high level entrepreneurs, we need each other, okay? And then we all need our own individual teams. Like, we can't achieve our dreams if on our own. It's just not gonna happen. So, you know, it's crazy because I had a coach tell me before, and then now I've experienced it. It's like, it's crazy that I get to do this for a living because I feel like I put these events together for you guys, but I take away, like, so much stuff. I'm like, man, are they. If they're gonna catch on, they're like, I.

Just being around the three of you guys and the whole group inspires motivation

Like, I get to that. I'm an attendee, too, you know, like, I know I got a lot of responsibility, and I'm supposed to be the guy that knows everything, but, like, I'm. I'm in the back of the room taking notes, too, so I don't. I don't have the same opportunity to. To dive into the roundtables and. And I don't get the same experience, but I'm telling you, just being around the three of you guys and the whole group, really, I mean, everyone there on the same trajectory, same goals, it just builds so much energy, so much motivation for me, Truly, truly blessed to, to be a part of it.

Colton says if you want to be around your clients, you have to think

I guess I'll open it up for the last few minutes here. anyone have anything that they, else they want to share? Anything they plan on implementing? Anything they already have implemented? ten k idea that you heard that you liked or something like that?

yeah, if you want me to. Okay, I'll start. I'll start. I got a real quick one on a ten k idea. Just popped in my head.


I really love that, ah, that I heard was someone talking about becoming their client and being around their clients and really understanding who their clients are. So my big thing in life is always being true to yourself, being real, and being about what you do. And I think that goes in hand in hand with being a leader and leading by example. But I do also believe that if you want to be around your clients, you have to start thinking like your clients. Think about, you know, where do your clients get clothes? Where do your clients do these certain things? So something that I did about three, four months ago to get around interior designers and. And good referral partners was I went and bought a suit that I couldn't really afford at a place that I've never been to before. And it's funny. It's funny how. How it works out, just putting yourself out there. I become really good friends with the guy that owns the shop. we go to events together, sponsored golf events. And he's a great guy, and he connects me with a lot of really good people. And I met a lot of really good people, that are going to be a big piece of the business moving forward. A lot of good referral partners. So that was a really big ten k idea. I think it was Michelle.

It was Michelle.


I got the name right.

Sometimes she goes by, What would you say? I can't remember the name. Sometimes she goes by Melissa, but normally it's Michelle.

Oh, yeah, I'll be calling her that for the next few years.

Yeah, exactly. No. And yes. She won the, you know, just so everyone knows everyone, we had 30 people share a ten k idea. So at minimum, it's a $300,000 session in value shared. But some of you guys had ideas, and some of them you can't really, like, name, like, put a dollar amount to. But, like, that idea, if she. She said, yeah, we got this deal is 50,000 or this deal, 40,000. Like, some of those were like, few hundred thousand dollar ideas. I truly believe that there was a million dollar worth of value shared, from all of you guys. So that was. That was spectacular. But I do. I do agree, Colton. Like, I, mean, what's that? You know, you went and you're gonna write a book one day and you're gonna mention that story. Like the time I bought a suit I couldn't afford, you know, and.

I couldn't afford it. The guy that walked in there, but the guy that. That wanted to be in there, that wanted those clients could. So that's what I had to tell myself. The guy that I want to be, the people that I want to work for can afford the suit. So I had to take that leap.

That's huge. Gosh, that's crazy. That's so good. Yeah.

Scott wrote down lofty personal goals after a trip to Hawaii

What did you have, Scott?

Oh, my. I'll just do my short one. since we're probably getting close to winding down, and that is that I wrote down lofty personal goals, that I put a lot of thought into, and I just had to expand it after that first day and include a can am, side by side in my goals, after the trip we did. That was a lot.

Oh, way. That's cool. That's awesome. Yeah, that's cool. Well, that's so important, Mandy. I mean, again, and I, you know, I said, like, write these things down, like, no one's going to look like, don't be embarrassed because, you're your old version of yourself, of the people you associate with might be like, well, why do you care about that stuff? You know? But it's like, no, we're all big thinkers. We get it. Like, why are you not thinking bigger? Like, get the can am turbo. You know what I mean? Like, get the custom one. So, it's fun to be around other high achievers, so that's cool.

Yeah. Yeah, that's it.

Paul: I'm excited to be a part of this group. I talked about joining your group, and so thankful

Did you have one, Paul?

Well, I will piggyback a little bit off what Colton was saying. You know, the. I'm in a lot of groups. I'm in different industries, and I have the privilege, being a business owner in these different industries to go to a lot of trainings, to lead a lot of trainings, and to be in a lot of different forms. What I will tell you is what I found very unique about that group that I was with just, you know, two weeks ago is every one of them weren't settling for what the average landscape lighting company is doing. They're.


They're going outside of what maybe is normal or what is acceptable. And, I heard it multiple times. But you just take that ten k, you know, game that we played. It really was just right. Everybody was trying to come up with the best, the best version of a ten k, you know, thing, that you can inject into your business, probably to win the gift more than any other reasons.


And so. But it worked. And when you heard all the different ideas, I would. I would say that Scott, myself, and Colton all took away more than one idea. Although Michelle's idea was great. There was three or four already that I'm using and implementing into our business. So I just think it's really good to be part of a group that has such high level thinkers and people that are pushing the envelope. And really, I always say to myself, I want to be the bar staff in my industry. And it's very hard to be honest with you when you're that kind of person to, not get distracted, because a lot of people do settle, and you start kind of saying, well, maybe I'm setting the bar too high. Maybe. Maybe these are unrealistic opinions in this industry. Maybe I'll just do what everyone else is doing when in reality, there is a small group of people, and I think you have a slight few of those in your group. So for me, it was just. It was something I had. You know, Ryan, you and I have talked. I talked about joining your group, and so thankful I was able to do it and make the trip to Utah. And so, I'm looking forward to the next few years. We're gonna. We're gonna kill it, and the group's gonna kill it, and everyone that's part of this group is gonna kill it.

I love it. That's. You did get the, we, you know, we had our, like, silly awards. I think you were late. Luxinear or last? Yeah, last. Last guy.

Two days before I signed up.

That's awesome.

Jumped on the air, but I put my plane ticket, like, two days before.

That's so cool.

All right, I'll go.

Well, and I met Scott, too, on.

Top of seeing Colton again. So, you know, and just having, you know, Scott's business card, you know, to be able to call him. And a guy that's a 27 year vet in this industry and has loads of knowledge that I can learn from is just phenomenal. And like I said, nobody I found in that room is average because that's. That's difficult to find a room of, above average thinkers.

Love it. Well, you guys are awesome. I know that Scott, was probably most excited about coming on today, but you did phenomenal, dude. I mean, I did it. I can't thank you guys enough for coming on here, being vulnerable, sharing your stuff. you know, success is a team sport. I can't do it on my own either. And, I need you guys just as much as you need me. Like, we really are a team. So, I appreciate each and every one of you, grateful for your guys's willingness to learn, to level up your desire because it pushes me. I mean, you think of where my mindset was five years ago to where it is now is, like, it's going, like, exponential now. Like, it's going faster and faster, but it's because of you guys. You know what I mean? So, this is a two way street. Super grateful, and, yeah, that's it. So, appreciate you guys for coming on. You guys have a good one, okay?

Thanks for having us.

All right. You guys are amazing. All right, guys. Now just go take it with this stuff and, try to implement it. Try to be better. don't feel bad about yourselves, but that's that's how it works. We all got to start leveling up. All right, guys, have an awesome week. See you next week.

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Ryan Lee

Ryan Lee has started and grew a multi-million dollar landscape lighting company in Fort Worth, TX. In 2019 he sold his lighting business and founded the world's only coaching program dedicated to helping other grow their landscape lighting business. He is an expert at helping lighting contractors double their profits by helping them increase their number of qualified leads, close more deals, and increase their price. If you're interested in growing your landscape lighting business or want help adding a lighting division to your business, then reach out and request a free strategy session today.

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