Landscape Lighting Secrets Blog

With over 14 years of experience in the landscape lighting industry, Ryan Lee reveals the secrets behind his success growing and exiting a multi million dollar landscape lighting company.

My Podcast Experience: How Belief Shapes Results

My Podcast Experience: How Belief Shapes Results

September 16, 20242 min read

My Podcast Experience: How Belief Shapes Results

Last week, I stepped out of my comfort zone and became a guest on a podcast for the first time. Being on the other side of the microphone was a novel experience for me, as I’m usually the one steering the conversation. The podcast studio here in Utah had a fantastic setup, and the entire experience turned out to be incredibly enjoyable.

Initially, I was nervous. I’m accustomed to being in control and guiding the discussion, so finding myself in the passenger seat was a significant shift. Despite the nerves, the show went smoothly, and the host was amazing, making the experience truly memorable.

When the recording wrapped up, the videographer, impressed by the discussion, exclaimed, “Cut… wow, that was amazing.” Naturally, I was skeptical and thought it was just a standard compliment. However, he continued to praise the episode, prompting me to ask, “Really, what was your biggest takeaway?”

His response was both surprising and enlightening: “Belief. Everything you talked about with belief.”

During the podcast, I discussed the concept of belief in the context of client engagement. Specifically, I touched on the importance of asking yourself, “What is the consequence if my client does not move forward?” and examining your beliefs about that answer.

I shared my extreme belief about the consequences of my lighting clients not moving forward with me. My conviction is so strong that I believe the worst possible outcome could be catastrophic—yes, it sounds intense, but that’s how passionate I am about my work. This fervor translates into a belief that my clients need my lighting solutions to avoid negative outcomes. This level of conviction is what drives me and influences my interactions with clients.

This experience reinforced a critical lesson: Your results are closely tied to your thoughts and beliefs. The sequence is simple: Thoughts → Beliefs → Actions → Results. If you hold false beliefs, such as doubts about money or your ability to deliver value, it will affect your actions and, consequently, your results.

Reflect on your own beliefs. What are your thoughts about your capabilities and your clients? Do you have any limiting beliefs that might be holding you back? Recognizing and addressing these false beliefs can help you realign your actions to achieve better results.

Remember, if you have false beliefs, there’s good news: You can change them. By confronting and altering your beliefs, you can transform your actions and improve your outcomes.

So, take a moment to evaluate your beliefs and see how they are impacting your life and work. Your mindset is more powerful than you might think!

-Ryan Lee

# podcast experience, belief, client consequences, personal growth, mindset, podcast guest, self-reflection, results, confidence, overcoming false beliefs #

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Ryan Lee

Ryan Lee has started and grew a multi-million dollar landscape lighting company in Fort Worth, TX. In 2019 he sold his lighting business and founded the world's only coaching program dedicated to helping other grow their landscape lighting business. He is an expert at helping lighting contractors double their profits by helping them increase their number of qualified leads, close more deals, and increase their price. If you're interested in growing your landscape lighting business or want help adding a lighting division to your business, then reach out and request a free strategy session today.

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